Part I of 10/15 Publix Shopping Trip

Part II of 10/15 Publix Shopping Trip
How much money do you think I spent?? Hang in with me as I get this blog up and running.. I will help you become as addicted to saving if not more than me! 🙂 In the two pictures above, there are:
8 | Progresso Bread Crumbs |
4 | Nature Valley Nut Clusters |
4 | Stacy’s Pita Bread Chips |
8 | Old El Paso Taco Mix |
6 | Krusteaux Cookie Mix |
10 | Ronzoni Healthy Harvest |
4 | Fast Fixin Frozen Chicken |
6 | Snuggle Fabric Softner |
6 | Marie Calendar Al Dente |
4 | Toaster Strudel |
1 | Blue Bell Icecream |
10 | Arm and Hammer Toothpaste |
I purchased $192.97 worth of groceries but after Publix’s wonderful B1G1 sales and my coupons, I spent $37.85! That is a savings of $155.12.