Below are the coupon matchups for the new Publix Green Advantage Flyer. I would recommend you focus most of your attention on the Publix store coupons in this flyer. Also – don’t forget that Publix allows us to stack a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon.
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display all Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below.
There is a coupon for the Lysol Starter kit in 02/05/12 RP for $3.00 off of one starter kit.
$5.00/Allegra 24 hour, 45 ct, Allegra-D 12 hour, 30 ct, or Allegra-D 24 hour, 15 ct
Yes, the 12 hour is now in 30 ct size (15 day supply. FL state limit 30 day supply). Priced this at Walgreens today and it was $29.99. Picked it up at Publix stacking the $5MQ with $5PQ , end price $17.99. Burns me that this went over the counter and is uni-dose, but given the prices everywhere for it, this is a good deal with the stacking. BTW, Prices do not benefit you to go with the 20 ct size elsewhere…you will be using twice as many coupons for the same results. HTHs