Here are the scenarios for this week’s Walgreens Ad. This post includes specific items you can purchase and coupons that you can use to maximize your dollar AND your Register Rewards at Walgreens. Please know that you do not have to follow these transactions if you do not want to. The goal of this post is to help you get an idea on how to roll your RRs from one week to the next. Please also know that these transactions do not take into account tax. Every state taxes differently so you may need to budget a little extra to cover tax.
To see this week’s Walgreens Weekly Ad and Coupon Matchups, go HERE.
**Don’t forget that Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon per item and they consider RRs to be manufacturer coupons. If you plan to use one RR and one coupon on one item, purchase a cheap filler item so that you have two coupons for two items.
Transaction #1
**Update – looks like from the comments below, most Walgreens are not accepting the $5/1 Applied Nutrition coupon along with the calcium supplements..
Buy one Applied Nutrition Triple Calcium, 90 ct., $10.00 (you will receive $10 RR)
Minus one $5/1 Applied Nutrition Supplements (Walgreens June coupon book)
If you have RRs from last week use them here to save even more!
Total Due: $5.00 (without RRs)
Receive: $10 RR
Transaction #2
Buy one Ritz Crackerfuls 6 oz, $2 (you will receive $2 RR) **On sale SUN & MON ONLY
Buy one Icy Hot Naturals Pain Relief Cream .5oz, $.99 (you will receive $1 RR)
Buy two Right Guard Body Wash, online price $4.49, on sale BOGO
Buy one Goody’s Headache Relief Powders 6 pk, $1.50 (you will receive $1.50 RR)
Buy one Illy Coffee, Caffe 6.8 oz, Latte Macchiato or Cappuccino 8.45oz., $2 (you will receive $2 RR)
Buy one Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor, $9.89 (you will receive $5 RR)
Buy one Act II Popcorn, $.25
Minus one $1.50/1 Ritz Crackerfuls 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/10/2011)
Minus one $1/1 Icy Hot product 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/31/2011)
Minus one B1G1 Dry Idea or Right Guard product (up to $4.49) 5/1/2011 RP Insert (exp 5/31/2011)
Minus one $4/1 Manual or Power Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor 5/1/2011 PG Insert (exp 5/31/2011)
Minus $10 RR from Transaction #1
Total Due: $.14
Receive: $2 RR, $1 RR, $1.50 RR, $2 RR, $5 RR
Transaction #3
Buy one Celsius Green Tea 4pk, 12oz each, $3.99 (you will receive $3 RR)
Buy one Listerine Smart Rinse 500ml, $2.99 (you will receive $2 RR)
Buy one Eclipse Gum (12 piece) $.69 w/ in-ad coupon
Buy two Act II Popcorn, $.25 each
Minus one $1/1 Listerine Smart Rinse 500 mL 1/9/2011 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2011)
Minus $5 RR, $2 RR from Transaction #2
Total Due: $.17
Receive: $3 RR, $2 RR
Total Out of Pocket: $5.31
Product Worth: $43.78 + tax and you have a total of $9.50 in remaining RRs to use next time!
Don’t forget that Register Rewards expire very quickly and if you let them expire, you are basically throwing away money. If you are concerned you will let them expire, I would put your RRs towards paper products like toilet paper and paper towels which are hard to get dirt cheap!
Liza I was just reading on another site that Walgreens will be out of stock on the crackerfuls and icy hot because of some manufacturer problems!
No smart rinse this week either!!! So glad I am not an employee of walgreens, they will have to deal with all the couponers complaining tomorrow!
OH NO! That stinks, no crackerfuls, My kids have been driving me crazy since they ran out if the last 6 boxes I got free at publix. I even made my youngest but back the big pack of them she found at Sam’s Club today 🙁
No crackerfuls but got the icy hot. Tried to help someone that was new that was clearing the shelves. However, she yelled at me. I tried to wait till she checked out. It upset me so bad I just headed home.
Just came back from Walgreens. Did anyone do the Calcium supplement deal? The guy told me if I used the $5 coupon in the June book that it wouldn’t print out a register reward. 🙁 I was told crackerfuls wouldn’t be in until Thurday. They were out of The Right guard body wash and the kids smart rinse. I went there last night night and they didn’t have any in stock. False advertisement, it’s driving me insane. Walgreens will be getting a not so nice email from me.
I could not use the Applied Nutrition coupon on the calcium supplement as well. Also could not use the 1.00 off Icy Hot coupon because it did not apply to ICY HOT Naturals. Also Out of the Ritz Crackerfuls and Smart Rinse. This was at midnight at the Swann Ave. location in South Tampa. Also Gandy and Westshore same thing this morning
I just got back from Walgreens. No Crackerfuls, darn it. They said they have never carried them at their store. Will have to try another store. I did get the Scott paper towels and the Aluminum Foil.
Practically had to fight over the Icy Hot last night, but was able to get the Right Guard with no problems. Can’t believe how crowded the store was at midnight! Hope everyone’s trip was also a success.
FYI on the calcium supplements- the IVC will NOT work for them! I tried this morning and there was plenty of Icy Hot at my store but no Crackerfuls 🙁
Went to Walgreens this morning and was told by the manager that the $5.00 off coupon for the Applied Nutrition coupon could not be used because that was not pictured on the coupon. I explained to her the coupon did not specify the product it only specified the brand. she continued to argue with me, then she told m I was getting the item for free anyway… to which I responded that I am not getting the item for free, I am paying $10 but will be getting a $10 RR. Anyway – coupon was not accepted.
Hi Michelle. Did you go to the 19 & Embassy store? If so that lady I tried to help that cleared the shelves must have had a horrible time. I went back today because it was crowded last night so I had to back today to get my RR’s that didn’t print out. When I got there her cart was off to the side for someone to put back or she was going to try again today. I feel sorry for the cashier because that will be a void for her register. Walgreens is starting to feel like your doing black Friday shopping.
I had the same conversation with my store manager about the calcium supplements. LOL
My store was holding the Crackerfuls hostige behind the photo counter. They only recieved 18 boxes and were only allowing one per customer if they asked for it. I thought that was funny. I was able to use the icy hot coupon because the only exception was the back patches not the naturals. Hope you all had a great shopping trip!
I also was not able to use the $5/1 Applied Nutrition for Calcium. Went to 3 different Wags and no Crackerfuls, no Icy Hot and WATCH THE ALUMINUM FOIL. Mine rang up at $2.79, should be $1.99 today and tomorrow. Also not ALL Kellogg’s cereals are $1.99. Apple Jacks rang up at $4.79. Altogether a frustrating trip. Why is it that we know what’s going on sale a month in advance (Amit just posted sales thru 6/25) but the store managers don’t seem to know until the sale starts?!?!?!?!
gotta go early i guess. I went to 2 wags around noon today(sunday) and all the deals that were gonna be essentially free were bought out already.
Nickki may I ask what is Amit? Thank you Melissa k
Amit is a couponer who runs a drug store blog. He is a genius with Wags and CVS. Find him at OR on Facebook
You can also see upcoming sales for Walgreens and CVS going onto 🙂
Thank u Nikki! 🙂
I had the same problem with the $5 off IVC for the Applied Nutrition. The register wouldn’t accept it, but the manager went ahead and adjusted the price for me and the RR still printed out. No Crackerfuls here either or the Ecotrin on sale for $0.99, and no one could find the Goody’s Headache powder they unloaded the night before. Did get Scott paper towels though, and IcyHot. Completely forgot to pick up the OFF Clip-on, so I’m going back. I have a $2.00/1 OFF Clip-on I’ll use along with the BOGO and the June IVC.
My shopping was successful, the register would not accept the Applied Nutrition coupon but manager accepted it. He said it sometimes does not take but the coupon was valid. All of my coupons worked even the icy hot. The OFF! at my store was 9.99 so I didn’t get it.
does walgreens give rain-checks like cvs?