Here are the scenarios for this week’s Walgreens Ad. This post includes specific items you can purchase and coupons that you can use to maximize your dollar AND your Register Rewards at Walgreens. Please know that you do not have to follow these transactions if you do not want to. The goal of this post is to help you get an idea on how to roll your RRs from one week to the next. Please also know that these transactions do not take into account tax. Every state taxes differently so you may need to budget a little extra to cover tax.
To see this week’s Walgreens Weekly Ad and Coupon Matchups, go HERE.
**Don’t forget that Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon per item and they consider RRs to be manufacturer coupons. If you plan to use one RR and one coupon on one item, purchase a cheap filler item so that you have two coupons for two items.
Transaction #1
Buy one Omega Smart Super Critical Ultimate Fish Oil 30 ct, $10 (you will receive $10 RR)
Minus one $2/1 Omega Smart Fish Oil, any
If you have RRs from last week use them here to save even more!
Total Due: $8.00 (without RRs)
Receive: $10 RR
Transaction #2
Buy one Healthy Woman Soy Supplement 45 ct, $8 (you will receive $8 RR)
Buy one SoBe life water, $1 (you will receive $1 RR)
Buy two Comet Cleanser, 2/$1 w/in ad coupon
Minus $10 RR from Transaction #1
Total Due: Nothing
Receive: $8 RR, $1 RR
Transaction #3
Buy two Reach Toothbrushes, 2/$5 (you will receive $3 RR)
Buy two Nivea For Men Body Wash, 2/$7 (you will receive $2 RR)
Buy one Bic Razors, $5.99 (you will receive $2 RR)
Buy one W Candy 3-9.5 oz, on sale $.49
Minus one $2/2 Reach Toothbrushes 5/8/2011 SS Insert (exp 8/8/2011)
Minus two $2/1 Nivea Men’s Body Wash 6/5/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011)
Minus one $3/1 Bic Razors 6/5/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/17/2011)
Minus $8 RR and $1 RR from Transaction #2
Total Due: $.48
Receive: $3 RR, $2 RR, $2 RR
Total Out of Pocket: $8.48
Product Worth: $38.48 + tax and you have a total of $7 in remaining RRs to use next time!
Don’t forget that Register Rewards expire very quickly and if you let them expire, you are basically throwing away money. If you are concerned you will let them expire, I would put your RRs towards paper products like toilet paper and paper towels which are hard to get dirt cheap!
i havent done walgreens much and of course im use to cvs and i let my RR expire… $5 down the drain..AND to make matters worse, i realized the day after they expired! dang it lol
love the scenarios, thanks so much!
possible trans #4, turn around and buy trans #1 again, using $2 cpn and $7 in RR’s from trans #3, pay $1 oop and get another $10 RR (but I admit it is easier to spend several smaller RR’s than one big one sometimes)
Can not find the Reach in 5/8—- I think it is 4/17SS.
didnt find the nivea coupon this sunday. 🙁
Me either. I must have gone through each insert four times. LOL – finally I gave up and took that item off my list.
I went to walgreens and ran into alot of problems with the RR.
For transaction#1- I had RR from last week and the register couldnt accept it, so I had to pay $10 out of my pocket.
I went to a different Walgreens for transactaions #2 and 3- and paid with register rewards, but I never got the new register rewards . They said it was because I paid with register rewards. Sigh….
I called Walgreens corporate and they are investigating the matter, because last week I had no problems at all getting my register rewards.
Has anyone encountered these difficulties?
Liz, you have to be careful with the RR’s if you are using RRs from the same products and you are supposed to get RRs you wont get them.. For example, if you got the $5 RRs on the razors and then tried to do the same deal this week on the same razors that are on sale, you will no get the rrs on this transaction.
Walgreens can be tricky, I read a lot about it before I started going here a couple weeks ago.
I didn’t see these two
Minus one $2/2 Reach Toothbrushes 5/8/2011 SS Insert (exp 8/8/2011)
Minus two $2/1 Nivea Men’s Body Wash 6/5/2011 RP Insert (exp 7/30/2011)
In my Sunday paper – are we able to look them up by zip code on one of the coupon sites
I couldn’t find the Reach or Nivea coupons in Sunday’s paper! Anyone have any suggestions?
I don’t think we got the Reach or Nivea ones.. I get the tampa tribune, maybe they were in the st pete times ones? I have seen different coupons in different papers
In trans # 3 above, they made me buy an extra item because i have 4 items and 5 mfg coupons. is that right? help please