Walmart is another tricky couponing store. I found Walmart’s coupon policy and you might want to print it out and carry it with you. Go HERE to print out the policy. Below is the policy:
Walmart accepts the following types of coupons (see guidelines below):
- Manufacturer coupons (Cents Off)
- Free merchandise (or manufacturer’s Buy-One-Get-One-Free) coupons
- Store coupons
- Pharmacy (Advertising and Promotional) coupons
- Internet coupons
- Soft drink container caps
The following are guidelines and limits:
- Walmart only accepts coupons for merchandise we sell and only when presented at the time of purchase.
- Coupons should have an expiration date and be presented within the valid dates. Walmart will not accept expired coupons.
- Internet coupons should be legible and say “Manufacturer Coupon.” There should be a valid remit address for the manufacturer and a scannable bar code.
- Only one coupon per item is permitted.
- Use of 40 or more coupons per transaction will require approval by Customer Service Manager.
Who would want to waste their time shopping in Walmart when you can score much better deals in Publix, Target and CVS?
I am sure most people already know this, but WalMart also price-matches any competitors’ written price (as in weekly sales flyers) as long as they are presented at the time of purchase. The brand must match and cannot be a store brand. Still a great way to save money!
As an addendum to the above comment, Walmart will not match buy-one, get-one free, %’s off or cents off deals (unfortunately). They also have difficulty with produce cost discrepancies, like if the ad is for $/lb and they sell it per item.
I have had nothing but bad experiences with Walmart and coupons. They treat me like I’m stealing something every time! I’ve sworn them off.