Below is this week’s Walmart Weekly Ad! Walmart’s ads may have small variances depending on where you live. To see the full color ad that corresponds with your local Walmart, go HERE. If you see any deals I’ve missed, please leave a comment on this post!
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display all Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below!
Not sure if many couponers know but Walmart now takes competitor coupons. You can only use a MFR or a Store coupon per product but for some of their low prices the coupons cover them..
Don’t forget you can price match the BOGO’s from other stores, use a coupon on each, and use Walmart’s low price for the BOGO so for example ( not an actual sale right now):
Publix — Snuggle 5.99 BOGO
Walmart — 4.37
You price match the BOGO, and so you get better deals instead of paying Publix’s prices. (somethings are cheaper at Publix but it’s just an idea)
The nice thing about Walmart is that your overage takes off the tax, and at my walmart it is a policy that if they owe you, they must pay you…One time I had 13.00 in overage, they paid me cash right there.
Just an idea for people who live closer to Walmarts, or who want to try something new!
P.S – This is also a good way to price match to CVS or Walgreens and be able to use a competitors coupon where at CVS or walgreens they will only accept MFR’s coupons.
Walmart told me that they wouldn’t take the Publix coupons that don’t have a bar code on them. I didn’t know about “matching’ prices – that’s awesome:)
Yea, all you have to do is take the stores ad, and tell them you want that stores price OR you want the BOGO to go on Walmart’s prices..If they try to argue with you then I just explain to them why would I come to Walmart when I could go to Publix for the same deal. It’s because Walmart wants us shoppers at their store, not at others.
For example last week Wishbone Dressing was BOGO somewhere. I priced matched the BOGO to Walmart’s 1.00 price which made it 1.00 for two bottles. In the Sweetbay booklets there is 1.00 off two Wishbone Dressings which make them free. I bought 14 bottles (I supply my family with some groceries, and my family eats lots of salads it was an awesome deal.
As for the no bar code problem, I would examine the policy, and print it out to take it with you. The problem I am trying to figure out is doesn’t almost every store coupon have their own personal store scannable code? Like publix has those three letter digit ones, and target has their own type of coupon. Walmart’s registers won’t be able to figure out those coupons anyways so that isn’t very good excuse.
I will keep updating you all as my mom (63 years old) works at Walmart and finds out the new policies and rules almost immediately.
You sound like a walmart maven. I would love to learn more from you. I have heard abouhe new policy changes atching and stuff but I have been a little scaredtrand put it to use. If I went I would probably do a big haul at once and price match with many ads and lots of coupons so I am afraid of getting a very ticked off cashier. But anyways I am going to bight the bullet and give it a shot soon. Can I possibly get your e-mail or fb and send you some questions? My e-mail is [email protected] and my fb is!/faithprophet
Doing a one stop shop at walmart would be great.
Thank you,
walmart told me they would only accept competitor’s coupons IF they also say manufacturer coupon which is stupid because store coupons are not manufacturers couons so therefore they really dont take competitors coupons
I was told that they would match BOGOs but not at the Walmart prices, because they are usually lower to begin with. Something about adding the difference to the BOGO price. As I write this, I am realizing that I need more clarification.
Although, until they allow stacking of coupons, I probably will not be shopping there much any more. The thing is, until I discovered the tricks to successful couponing a couple of months ago, I was a devoted Walmart shopper. Heck, I even own stock.
Now though, shopping at Publix and CVS, I am still spending about the same amount weekly, to build a stockpile, but I KNOW I am getting a lot more for that money. We need to because we are parents of 3 boys!
I still do shop at Sam’s Club regularly for milk (4 to 6 gallons weekly), produce, meat and bulk items, but I am spending a lot less there too.
Got a little off topic, sorry.
This s new territory for me. I have been successfully couponing for 2 years and now have finally been able to save at pubix like I have been at CVS and Wags but this new way to also save a walmart sound interesting. I live very close to a walmart and that would make couponing even better, if that is possible. I love all these great sites. Thanks Liza and to all of you other wonderful couponers.