One of my favorite times of the day is story time with my son. We read lots and lots of books before naptime and bedtime. And sometimes my busy son will even sit down during the day so that we can read. He loves all books but especially Sandra Boynton books! Right now we can get great deals on board books written by Richard Scarry and/or Sandra Boynton!
- Sandra Boynton Doggies Board Book on sale $3.30
- Sandra Boynton Blue Hat Green Hat on sale $3.30
- Little Blue Truck Board on sale $3.97
- Love You Forever on sale $3.33
- Richard Scarry Cars and Trucks from A to Z Board Book on sale $3.99
- Richard Scarry’s A Day at the Airport on sale $2.40 (paperback)
- Richard Scarry’s A Day at the Fire Station on sale $3.99 (paperback)
- Richard Scarry’s Please and Thank You Book on sale $2.40 (paperback)
- Richard Scarry’s Lowly Worm Word Board Book on sale $3.60
Check out other Amazon Deals while you’re on Addicted to Saving.
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