Baby wipes are one of those items that every family can use, even if you don’t have a baby. They come in handy quite a bit! However if you have babies, you love these even more. Publix shoppers can make use of this $0.50/1 HUGGIES Wipes (32 ct. or larger) coupon that’s available right now.
Here are a couple of scenarios
Buy one Huggies Wipes 32 ct soft pack, $1.89
Minus one $0.50/1 HUGGIES Wipes (32 ct. or larger)
Total Due: as low as $0.89 if your store doubles!
Buy one Huggies Wipes 56 ct+ box, $2.49
Minus one $0.50/1 HUGGIES Wipes (32 ct. or larger)
Total Due: as low as $1.49 if your store doubles!
Buy one Huggies Wipes, 168+, $6.49
Minus one $0.50/1 HUGGIES Wipes (32 ct. or larger)
Minus one $1.00/1 Huggies Baby Wipes 168 to 216 ct coupon (in Oh Baby Booklet Publix online ad – scroll down until you see the booklet)
Total Due: as low as $4.49 if your store doubles
All of these deals make the wipes around $0.03/wipe, which is pretty good for Publix.
You can also do the following thru the end of the day today (if your ad runs Thurs – Wed)
Buy one Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants or GoodNites Underwear, Jumbo, Assorted Varieties, 14 to 25 ct, or GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats, 9 ct, $8.99
Minus one $2.00/1 GOODNITES Product (Underwear, Bed Mats, or GOODNITES* TRU-FIT* Starter Pack or Refills) or $2.00/1 PULL-UPS Training Pants (Jumbo Pack or larger)
Minus one $2.00/1 Huggies Diapers, Little Swimmers, Pull Ups, GoodNites Underwear or Bed Mats (in Oh Baby Booklet Publix online ad – scroll down until you see the booklet)
Total Due: $4.99!
- Check out other Publix Deals while you’re on Addicted to Saving.
Thanks i heart publix!