Today was a so/so day at Publix. I spent more money out of pocket than I wanted, but that was because we were out of Half & Half and sugar and those are necessities for my coffee drinking husband 🙂 I bought 4.4 lbs of lean ground beef which I’m happy about.. I spent $17.82 on $152.85 worth of groceries. **Update – and now I know why I was feeling unhappy with this Publix venture.. After typing in each and every coupon below, I realized my cashier short changed me FIVE coupons. She had to have a manager override the system since I had so many coupons. No problem. But after the manager did that, she packed up all the coupons and put them in her drawer. I asked her if had used all the coupons, she said yes, and I hesitantly paid. UGH.. I looked at the receipt in the parking lot but I was too flustered to do the math.. Oh well.. I should have spent $5.00 less..
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop: **The purchases below coincide with the current sale at Publix. This sale will end Wed or Thurs depending on where you live. 4 Uncle Ben’s Rice Pilaf on sale B1G1 ($1.49 for two) Minus two $1.00/2 printable Total: $0.98 or $0.25 each!! 9 Chobani Greek Yogurt on sale 10/$10.00 Minus three B2G1 Free printable coupons Minus six $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 12/13 SS Total: FREE!! 1 Publix Half & Half full price – eek – $3.69 Total: $3.69 1 Buitoni Ravioli on sale 2/$7.00 Minus one $1.50/1 manufacturer coupon (received in mail) Total: $2.00 2 Morning Star Burgers on sale B1G1 ($3.99 for two) Minus two $1.00/1 printable (IE) printable (FF) Total: $1.99 or $0.99 each! 1 Publix Sugar Granules full price – eek – $4.69 Total: $4.69 4 Chinet Salad Plates on sale 2/$4.00 Minus four $2.00/1 from 11/22 SS Total: FREE 4.4 lbs Lean Ground Beef on sale $3.49/lb Minus two $1.00/2lbs Publix beef from Publix Yellow Advantage flyer Total: $13.45 or $3.05/lb 4 Benevia Juice priced at $8.49 each Minus four $5.00/1 printable manufacturer coupons Minus four $4.00/1 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $2.04 OVERAGE 1 Little Debbie Chocolate Cupcakes priced at $3.09 Minus one FREE manufacturer coupon (received in mail) Total: FREE! 2 Sundown Naturals Vitamin D priced at $2.99 each 2 Sundown Naturals Vitamin A priced at $3.29 each Minus two $6.00/2 Publix Green Advantage flyer Minus four $1.00/1 printables (print limit reached) Total: FREE plus $3.44 OVERAGE 2 Soft Scrub Bleach Gel priced at $3.99 each Minus one B1G1 printable Minus one $1.50 printable Total: $2.49 or $1.24 each (not a great deal in my opinion) 2 Arnold Multigrain Bread on sale B1G1 ($3.69 for two) Minus two $1.00 off 1 manufacturer coupons from Recycle Bank Total: $1.69 or $0.70 each! 6 Bayer Pain Relievers priced at $2.47 each Minus six $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 10/25 RP and 1/3/10 SS Minus three $5.00/2 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $6.18 OVERAGE!! Minus one $10.00 off when you spend $50.00 Winn Dixie Coupon! Grand Total: Spent $17.82 on $152.85 worth of groceries. (Saved $135.03 or 88.4% of the grocery bill!) (Total should have been $9.32 plus tax if the cashier hadn’t messed up and if I caught the mistake in time.)**To see this week’s Coupon and Sales Matchups, read my Publix Weekly Ad Blog! **To see this month’s Publix Green Advantage Buy Freebies and Moneymakers, go Here! **To learn how to save at Publix, read my Intro to Publix Blog! (Also – do not hesitate to email me with any questions you might have! I would love to help you do what I did!)
first of all…love that you are unhappy about spending less than $18 on all that stuff. 🙂 second, i noticed that you mentioned using a coupon from recycle bank…what is that?
Lucrecia – I know I know. I was unhappy when I left Publix b/c I thought I should have paid less. I even checked my receipt in the car. It wasn’t until I got home and realized that 5 coupons were missing.. That’s when I got very unhappy. Ha. Recycle Bank is a great way to put points towards coupons! Read my Recycle Bank blog and let me know if you have any questions – it is a bit confusing, but once you get the hang of it, you will love it.
Where do you find the Winn Dixie coupons?
Hi Dawn – I find Winn Dixie coupons in two places. The first is on Winn Dixie receipts – oftentimes they will print out coupons at the end of their receipts. The second place is by joining their baby club online. You will then receive coupons in the mail every month. Go Here to read my blog about Winn Dixie’s baby club.
Liza did you got back to Publix and complain? thwy would have refunded you, beause all they would have had to do is count up the cashiers coupon till and notice she was over! For $8.00 it is worth it!! 🙂 Just wondering….
Hi Megan! I would have gone back to Publix to complain if I had realized the mistake sooner.. I actually shopped at Publix on Saturday and I didn’t realize the mess up until yesterday when I posted the “Photo Show and Tell”. Had I realized sooner, I definitely would have gone back. ERRRR. The whole situation still makes me mad! 🙂
yea, I dont balme you, I would have been mad too! 🙂
I hate when the cashier shoves your coupon aside and doesn’t scan it! I’ve had that happen to me! I think they are jealous….